-The Sure-Fire Hypnosis GOLD Letter-
By, Nathan Blaszak
Life Tricks Inc.
Lake City, MI 49651

Dear Valuable Customer,

My eyes were still blurry as the phone rang. I blinked rapidly to bring the clock on the wall into focus. It was 2.39 a.m. “Who the heck would be calling me at this time of night?” I remember thinking.

“Hello?” with a scratchy voice. “Nathan, it’s Mike, you’re not going to believe what just happened. My ex, the one that I wanted to get back with got into a fist fight with another woman I was flirting with. She screamed at the woman to “stay away from her man” but I wasn’t even with my ex! What did you do?!”

“What did I do?” I shouted back. “What did YOU do?”

“I only did what you showed me in your book! I used the covert hypnosis devices you taught me to get my ex to want to be with me.”

“To the extreme it looks like.” I replied.

“It looks like this stuff almost works too well. It’s kind of scary. How do I fix it?” He exclaimed.

“You have it in you. Just use it in the opposite sense and do me a favor – start using it to help others enjoy life and stop being so selfish with it from this point on!” and I hung up the phone.

Yes, covert hypnosis is a fun little gift you can use to get what you want from people. But properly using it is another ballgame.

You see, most people who come to my site feed off of the power they inherit for knowing this gift called covert hypnosis. They visualize in their mind reading this book and easily going out into the real world seducing lovers, making sales, and improving their relationships.

And that’s a good thing!

Often times, however, they fail to realize that covert hypnosis is a tool they have the option to use. Let me say that word again:


That’s all it is.

The reality is, you don’t need to use it all the time. In fact, as you move along through my book and this site, you’ll find yourself coming to the realization that it’s not so much “How” you’re going to get what you want that you need to focus on. It’s about focusing on what you WANT to happen.

You see, like my friend, I’ve been down the road and used this power for selfish reasons. I wanted more money, power and even sex. I’m human.

So I seduced lovers, I squandered money, and let me tell you something: it backfired on me beyond oblivion. It was a nightmare and I don’t even like entertaining those thoughts.

The beauty about this is – you aren’t going to have to experience anything negative as a result of using covert hypnosis.

Now I know that at first glance, it seems like I’m telling covert hypnosis is bad and you shouldn’t use it.

Covert hypnosis is not bad. It’s a good thing when you use it properly.

So what do you do so that it doesn’t backfire?

State your intention. That’s all. What is your ultimate end result?

You’ll probably find the following exercise helpful:

Answer the following question:

What are you looking to accomplish as a result of using covert hypnosis?

Listen to the answer and be honest. If you respond with “To get my lover back” or to “Make More Sales” or to “be a better public speaker” that’s not the end result.

Suppose you answered “Make More Sales” you can then ask “If I was making more sales, what would it be like? What would I be experiencing that I’m not already experiencing?”

You see, doing this exercise allows you to see the end result in the BIG PICTURE. I’d be willing to bet you right now with 100% confidence that when you experience that big picture it won’t be just because you used covert hypnosis *only*.

Now, I’m not saying covert hypnosis shouldn’t be welcomed into the picture. You can do that and it’s okay to do that. What I’m suggesting is that you don’t rely on only one tool or option to take you there. In fact, I suggest that you completely forget about “how” you’re even going to get there and just let it happen.

When you do this, here’s what happens:

You’ll be dazzled by all the “secret moves” and conversational devices you can use. You’ll then have a clear intention about what you want to happen – the ultimate outcome. Along the way, you might meet a person and suddenly be reminded that you can use a hypnotic device. You’ll apply it. It will work. You’ll be amazed and enthusiastic.

But then…

You might meet the right people and not need covert hypnosis at all. You might suddenly get an e-mail or an offer that you needed to take you towards your ultimate goal. You might pick up the right book or watch the right movie. You might visit the right place.

It boils down to this:

Covert hypnosis when used selfishly is trying to figure out how you’re going to use it to get what you want without regards to how it might affect the other person.

Instead, as you read my book and all my letters, take note of the techniques that stick with you and remember them. Eventually along the way you might or might not need to use them.

But there’s absolutely no reason to force any of them to work.


Nathan Blaszak 

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