-The Sure-Fire Hypnosis GOLD Letter-
By, Nathan Blaszak
Life Tricks Inc.
Lake City, MI 49651

Dear Valuable Customer,

You’ll have to excuse me ladies because it’s not difficult for you to seduce men so I’m not going to go into so much detail here about it. I will promise you however as you read this letter that you’ll be delighted to know how to protect yourself from men using covert hypnosis on you.

Anyway, if you’re a woman the only thing you need to do is flaunt your stuff, or express sexual interest in a man and nine times out of ten – no matter what you look like, how much money you have, where you live, what you drive, what you’re wearing, what their friends might think, or if the both of you are in the middle of a war with bombs falling all around you, they’ll probably drop everything to be with you.

I know, I know – men are pigs, aren’t they? The genetic programming to plant our seeds in as many women as possible is so deeply rooted into our nature that we will at the flick of a fly have sex with you if you express to us that you wanted to.

Of course , no matter how true this is about us men it’s not the same for women – not even close!

Women are genetically programmed to find a suitable man who can protect her and provide for her and her offspring.

Men, Listen Up! Women are different by nature so the first thing you need to understand is they aren’t thinking about sex like you are when they first meet you. So STOP thinking about sex when you first meet them. This alone will provide outstanding results.

Look, at first encounter women are more concerned with their safety. Are you going to hurt her? Are you immature? Are you going to offend her? Rape her?

Most of all, they want you to NOTICE them.

You know what I hate most? Well, I also take advantage of this but I feel sorry for most women because most men are just plain ignorant about women.

Picture getting ready to go to a gathering place to meet singles. The man might or might not take a shower. Some will put on nice clean clothes, others won’t. Some will brush their teeth, comb their hair, put on deodorant, most will not.

But I Can Promise You One Thing:

Just About Every Single Woman That Goes Out Will Spend A Great Deal Of Time Making Sure She Looks Her Absolute BEST!


She wants to be noticed!

Anyway, back to my rant. What I hate (and take advantage of) the most is when I see a bunch of immature, poorly dressed, smelly men with no wives or girlfriends stand in the corner sipping on their drinks, making rude or obscene comments towards waitresses, puffing out their chest, using pick up lines that make them look like the never finished third grade, or worse – they don’t do anything at all to...

Just Notice How All The Single Women Are Competing With One Another To Catch Your Attention! 

That’s what most men fail to realize. They’re either too “scared” to approach women thinking they’re going to get rejected or they approach women in the wrong way.

If I only had a dollar for every man who’s ever written me who said “I don’t know how to approach women, is there something specific I should say?”...

You know what I tell them? I say “Dummy, you’re at a place where singles might or might not go, and whether the women in the place are single or not, you’ll never know if you don’t get off your scared little rock and find out!”

What? You don’t know what to say?

Here’s An Idea: women spend hours (and some women I know spend half of a day) deciding what blouse to wear, what pair of pants look best, or if they should wear a skirt instead, or how one pair of shoes looks versus another, how much makeup or how little they should have on, what their hair should look like... it’s almost insane! But you know what? I’ll bet you one hundred to one they are doing this to capture your attention. They love it. So...  

Give it to them!

God forbid you ever notice how much women want you to notice them, and get off your duff and compliment her on it.

Still don’t know what to say?

Try This: “Hi, it’s not easy for me to approach you without being properly introduced but I just wanted you to know that I think you look absolutely fabulous (stunning, beautiful etc.) and I just wanted to meet you, my Name is (Your Name), and you are?”

Now, before you think I’ve gone off the deep end here and think I am setting you up for failure, I’ve asked hundreds of women what they thought if a man said that to her. And do you know what the number one response was?

She’d Fall Off Her Chair
Because They Almost NEVER Hear This! 

I know for men it seems “stupid” to do this, but let me tell you something – it’s about the only line I’ve ever used that works almost 100% of the time.

So instead of you contemplating over whether it will work for you or not, the next woman you see that you find attractive, put a smile on your face, muster up all the genuine “matter of fact like” sincere feelings you can, and say this!

Now comes the fun part. You didn’t use a hair-brained pick up line that never works, you noticed her properly, you’ve genuinely complimented her... Guess what?

You’re Already On Her Good Side! 

Some of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen and talked to all told me that she rarely ever has men approach her – and almost NEVER get complimented correctly. Genuinely.

Did you know what else I found surprising? Most of the men they met were through acquaintances, friends, or family because they never got “hit on.”

Gee, it sure would be a bum way to think that if you can approach beautiful women with a genuine compliment that you would instantly stand out from the crowd and get noticed by her, and possibly be the *one* man she finally got hit on by!

I really do feel sorry for beautiful women. You’d think it would be the other way around – that every man on the face of the planet would be hitting on her but that’s just not so. Most beautiful women I’ve talked to are the loneliest women I’ve ever met!

If they do get approached by men, it’s usually like “hey baby” or “damn you’re fine” and let’s not forget the line I heard a man say to woman as she walked by that made me fall over in embarrassment “Look at the turd cutter on that one!”

Whatever. Anyway, the fun begins once you’ve starting talking to her because you can then begin to activate the wonderful sequence of seduction that drives women crazy.

Women, pay attention to this part because the following techniques are extremely sneaky... they work.

What I’m really saying here is that this process works for most men who dare to embark on it, and if you want to protect yourself from it being used against you then study it. If you should ever catch on to what he’s doing just mention my name, Nathan Blaszak or this web site. (Relax pal, most women you meet won’t read this site so you don’t have to worry about getting caught. If you do, share a laugh about it and ask her if it’s working anyway!)

Listen up. The process is simple, and be sure to keep it that way. In fact, using only the first part of this seduction sequence will usually end up in completing the seduction (I’m serious).

What’s the magical sequence?

Get her to feel connected to you, then fascinated, and finally describe bodily emotions in precise order and detail that makes her feel ready to have sex.

Sound complicated? I’m going to give you the word-for-word “what to say” right now so don’t worry.

On the connection:

“Have you ever met someone that makes you feel totally drawn to them? You know, maybe it’s like you begin to feel a very powerful pull in the pit of your belly that makes you feel completely connected to this person in a way you’ve never experienced before. And the more you feel this connection beginning to build, the more you enjoy that feeling as you let that process take place. And as you continue to experience this strong connection with this person it begins to build in such a way that you can’t help but to give in to this feeling to the point where you just forget to notice everything around you, so you can just focus on something that catches your attention about this person until you finally just STOP... and imagine a time in the future (weeks, days, months etc) still harboring this never-ending growing attraction for this person as you look back at the moment as having been the start of it. Now, with me, I don’t know about you but when my friend Judy told me about this, I couldn’t imagine it being any better than this, could you?”

Now before you disregard ever saying this to a woman I invite you to try it. This is pretty much a universal process women go through when they feel attracted to a guy. In fact, this hypnotic pattern is so powerful (like I already said but needs repeating) it’s usually the only hypnotic pattern you’ll ever need to complete the seduction.

Yes, it does take some time to memorize and guts to say but it works. If you for some reason STILL don’t believe me, shock the hell out of yourself when you try it by e-mail, in a chat room, or read it to her over the phone.

Now, believe it or not most men for some reason will still object to ever saying this to a woman. They think it’s “girlie” or a sissy thing to talk about. Duh! It SHOULD be. She’s a woman and fantasizes about these things all the time.

And what’s the best way to get her to fantasize it with you?

Talk about it! 

She doesn’t know you. She won’t know if you have talked like this your entire life or if you just started so just give the pattern a try.

What? You want something easier? I thought so. It would be crazy to use this proven pattern I personally use to get all the women steamy hot and ready to enter a relationship with me. There’s got to be something better, right?

Fine. The only other way to get her to feel hot and bothered for you, totally attracted to you, and ready to drop everything to be with you is by using the most powerful covert hypnosis device I’ve ever discovered and that’s to simply...

Let Her Hypnotize Herself! 

How do you do this? Read on...

Actually, I’m quite proud of this little discovery of mine because it can get quite boring to use hypnotic patterns all the time. I’d rather let her tell ME how SHE feels the connection because no matter how smart I am (because I’m the best covert hypnotist in the world), that hypnotic pattern won’t work 100% of time. No pattern will.

But you know what? I bet once you master the following technique it will!

How can I be so sure? Because, you’re going to suck every image, thought, and ounce of good feelings right out of her to see in her mind, feel in her heart, and connect all those feelings to your face!

And she’s going to do it all by herself!

Are you ready?

Here it Goes By Example (a personal tape recording of a conversation I had with a woman transcribed):

“So here’s a thought, I was just wondering something.” (Build her curiosity).


“Well, imagine that you just met someone that you could be attracted to, really attracted to. Imagine that, clearly, by picturing in your mind what it would be like if that were to happen to you right now and answer me this: what’s the first signal you get on the inside that lets you know you’re really attracted to this person?”

“Well, I guess you could say, wow, that’s a good question. Let’s see... I would probably look at him.”

uh huh.”

“And I’d probably feel a sense of adventure stirring up inside me.”

“A sense of adventure, where in your body would you feel that?”

“In my chest”

“And what happens next?”

“Well, I would lick my lips and imagine kissing him.”

“You’d imagine kissing him?”

“Yeah, I would anticipate what it would be like to kiss him. I would picture his soft lips pressing up against mine and feel my knees go weak as he wraps his arms around me.”

“You’d imagine kissing this guy and your knees would go weak?”

“Yeah... you know, it’s that feeling (as she squeezes her legs together and gives herself a self-hug) that just makes you feel mmmmm... (laughs) you know?”

“Sure. So as that continues to happen to you (as I use the same body language she did by giving me a self-hug and squeezing my legs together) dare I ask what happens next?”

“Well I don’t know if I should tell you.”

“It’s okay, you don’t have to tell me, that’s your decision.” 

“Well, I don’t know if I should tell you because I don’t know if I can trust myself with you right now. I don’t know what I’ll do.

“I see. Its okay, I won’t tell anyone. This will be our little secret.” 

“Not like that! (slaps me on the arm playfully – good sign) I don’t think you’ll tell anyone. I’m just feeling a little, frisky? But the next thing I guess I would probably imagine being with him intimately.”

“Uh huh, and when you do know when it’s time to be intimate with this guy?”

“I don’t know, I guess... I just know. I feel it. Can I kiss you right now? (Laughs)”


“Oh my God I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

“I know, it’s a terrible thing to allow yourself to feel waves of pleasure (doing the self-hug thing again) and do something about it.”

(kisses me)

Mmmm... Wait, this is crazy! I just met you!”

“What do you mean?”

“I just met you like 15 minutes ago and all I want to do is cuddle and kiss you.”

“Cuddle and kiss me?”

“Well, that too! (She Laughs – by the way, this woman had a GREAT sense of humor if you haven’t noticed) No, I mean, I can’t trust myself with you. What are you like a God or something? (In case you were wondering: the answer is YES) Wait! Did you put something in my drink?”

(Me laughing) “I can leave you be if you desire.”

“Maybe you should.”

“Alright then. I guess I’ll see you later.”

(I get up read to walk away -- fractionation).

“No, you don’t have to leave.”

“I know I don’t, but I actually have stuff to do that’s really important.”

“Like what?”

“Stuff. You don’t want to know because its boring work stuff and it has a lot to do with math.”

“I like math. Want some help?”

(Are you beginning to see the power in this method? She’s hinting that she wants me to go nowhere and if I go, to let her come along.)

“That’s okay. I appreciate it but I tend to work better without any distractions.”

“How would I be a distraction to you?” (Fluttering her eye lashes and sitting pretty).

“Why don’t YOU tell me?”

“It’ll be fun, I can tell you that much.”

“Tell you what, I’m going to go right now and you’re going to be okay with it because later at 7 o’clock tonight you can call this number and tell me where I can pick you up, deal?”


“Why don’t you give me your number, too, in case something comes up and I have to cancel. Besides, it’s only fair. Just write your number on this card, and put your e-mail address on there too.”

(She does what I tell her to do, we kiss goodbye)

End of story.

Not really, I met up with her in case you were wondering and we had fun. It turns out that she had three kids (who would’ve known with that smoking hot body?) but oh well, it’s just as easy to do this sequence with another woman.

What? I don’t want to be with a woman who has kids that aren’t mine. So what.

Now let me give you the best advice I possibly can about this: STUDY IT COMPLETELY. Read, and the re-read the entire conversation until it becomes a part of you. Hell, write it out by hand and you’ll know what it’s like to think like the world’s greatest covert hypnotist!

Relax (because I know you probably won’t do it) I’ll give you some pointers about this process so you understand.

Notice how I asked her what the first signal was she felt when she was attracted to a guy. Then, what did I do? Do you remember?

I took her through the next stages of feeling by directing the conversation and what she was thinking about towards the final outcome, which of course was sex.

And what happened?

She had no idea why but she was feeling attracted to me in a real strong way!

If you think about it, all I did was have her describe to me what she does on the inside to pounce on a man.

Now you couldn’t see me doing this, but as she described her process to me, I tapped my fingers on a table to create an anchor (you’ll learn about it later). Basically, she’ll associate this tapping with what she’s feeling. So at any point later I can tap my fingers and like magic she’ll feel it again.

Also, remember when she “squeezed her pelvis and gave herself a hug?” Why do you think I did this too?

I don’t know, maybe because it’s her own anchor that puts her into that state of feeling “attracted”. I could be wrong.

But I’m not!

Listen, learn to notice people (when they are feeling good) what they are doing with their body. If they change their posture, give you gesture or anything similar while it’s obvious they are feeling an emotion, do the same thing! It doesn’t have to be right away – just anytime you want them to feel it again because when you do this...

They Will Magically Go Straight Back Into That State Or Feeling Without You Uttering A Single Word!

Here’s Another One: Remember when she said “I don’t think I can trust myself with you” and how I said “its okay, you don’t have to tell me, that’s your decision.”? I love this little line because even though I say “You Don’t Have To” the second line after the comma basically says “do it anyway!”

In other words, it’s like saying “I know you don’t have to but you’re going to make the choice to do it regardless.”

Then, I tested her. I was about to walk away. I LISTENED to her direction (which gave her a sense that she had some sort of control over me) that maybe I should leave. I showed her respect by not forcing the issue, and then I also threatened to take away the opportunity for her to continue to feel waves of pleasure by leaving. This all happened simultaneously! 

See how this one little move made it all worthwhile?

And what did she do? In the blink of an eye she thought of all those things and asked me to stay or if she could come with me.

Instead of doing either of her requests, I chose to put myself back into the position of authority and told her to call me later and give me her phone number and e-mail address.

This little part of the conversation and all the devices used happened in less than 5 stinking minutes! She was ready to have sex with me because I just asked her to describe to me what signals she got on the inside that let her know when she wanted a man!

By the way, this might work for you ladies, too. You don’t have to use it for sex, but you can certainly use this process to get men to feel trust, compassion, sensitivity, loyalty or whatever your pretty little heart desires.

See? I told you I’m the world’s greatest covert hypnotist! You might also think I’m obnoxious. Thanks for noticing! I just enjoy teaching people this stuff.  

Now Let’s Shift Gears: I told you I would give you word-for-word what to say to women. I gave you the first hypnotic pattern, here are the final two.

Creating Fascination

“Have you ever had the experience of meeting a guy that you couldn’t get off your mind and the more you thought about him, the more you wanted to be with this guy as much as you could? My friend told me that when she met this one guy at one point in her life, it seemed like everything reminded her of him. When she turned on the TV she was like “I wonder if he’s watching TV” when she did her laundry she thought “I wonder if he’s doing his laundry” and when she drove her car she thought “I wonder how he drives a car” and the more she thought about him, the more she anticipated seeing him again, and the deeper her feelings for him became. When she was around him, it was like everything his deep voice would speak she would just PAY ATTENTION TO, And she said that it’s like when you see other guys it’s like you would always compare this guy to them and always find a reason to make this guy better. She said it was like you get so fascinated with this guy that you would even dance around the house singing his name like a goof ball and when you go to bed, you know, you imagine private things you can do with this guy to the point where you just feel that sense to make this guy yours. Now, I don’t know about you but most women I tell this to think its kind of sweet. I think it’s too girlie for me but whatever. Anyway...”

At this point, she’ll probably say her piece and even if she agrees with you it will still work. She’ll think about you and be fascinated at some level.

At worst, you’ll successfully hypnotize her to at least perform some of this in the near future. And if you’re really lucky, and she’s easily persuaded, she might feel like making you hers right then and there.

In any case, this pattern will cause her to become fascinated with you and forget about other men – sometimes even if she’s married. Don’t say I didn’t warn you to be smart about it.

The final pattern is by far the most daring, but at this point it won’t matter because you’ve “primed” her to pay attention to what you say and to find you fascinating. Besides, as you read it you’ll notice how it’s not like you’re really saying this to her even though you are.

Have Sex Now

“I saw this guy talking to this girl the other day and I couldn’t believe what he said to her. He looked at her deep into the eyes and said “Notice your breathing, and beating of your heart as you focus on my voice. Allow my voice to enter you completely filling your entire chest with a burning hot, flaming sensation of warmth. And as you continue to feel that now, and as your heart begins to beat faster, and your breathing begins to come more quickly, notice how that warmth begins to spread through e-v-e-r-y part – of – your – body. Let it work it’s way down, you know, just let that feeling build in intensity until you find yourself saying on the inside “it feels so good, so safe, just go for it – surrender to it completely.” Now, can you believe that? What balls on this guy! Like he really expected her to picture those things, and feel all those feelings to the point where (throw up your hands and dance with your arms) “you feel like having sex with me and you can’t help it. And the more you try not to feel it, the easier it gets to just surrender to it completely, with me, right now.”

Need I say more?

If you’re a woman and before you get angry with me for teaching guys this stuff, just send all your friends to me by telling them read this book. That way, you and your friends or loved ones don’t have to put up with this “sly-trickery” and you’ll help me spread the word. It’s Win/Win.  

And if you’re a guy, don’t worry, most women don’t tell people about this book. Who knows? So you won’t have to worry about meeting women that know you’re up to something or using these techniques.

See, I’m trying really hard to be neutral here so don’t blame me if you skipped this section (if you’re a woman) and a man uses it on you. And don’t blame me if you try this on a woman and she’s read this book. Okay?

I’m living up to my promise by giving you these tools to both profit from or protect yourself from.

Anyway, you might now be wondering when or how to say these things to women. Well, you can say them all at once, or you can say them over the course of a day, week, month or heck – even a year. But I’ll warn you right now that woman will feel sexually drawn to you in a supreme way by using these patterns IF YOU SAY THEM IN ORDER!

But Then Again: I’m not saying I’m perfect. I’m saying I’m pretty damn close. (Relax, I’m just trying to keep your attention). So these hypnotic patterns will not work for you 100% of the time. This I’m being 100% honest about.

You’ll get women saying things like “What book did you get that from?” or “You probably say that to all the ladies” and “That’s got to be the stupidest attempt I’ve ever heard!”

You know what I say? I say, “Oh well.” And move on to the next woman and try it with her. Who cares?

Of course, I can always toy with her and use my “Hypnotize Herself” routine and challenge her by saying “Okay smarty pants, if what I say isn’t true for you, what’s the first signal you get on the inside that lets YOU know when you find a man attractive and ready to jump his bones?”

See? I’m not even going to bother telling you another time that I’m the world’s greatest covert hypnotist. If you haven’t figured that out by now, there’s no hope for you. Besides, I really AM the best because it says so in this book.

Look, you already understand this but I’m going to share it with you again – people aren’t always going to bow down to you and what you attempt. At times you’re going to just have to play the numbers and realize that these devices I’m teaching you are only tools you can use, and are not the answer to every one of your prayers.

Then again, I’m curious to know just how many people are so skeptical – even after reading this book to ever do anything with it.

That’s okay, too! If you just like to leisure read and make no changes to what you’re already doing to improve your life it’s not my choice. I can’t force you to use this stuff, you have to make that decision yourself.

I hope you caught that device. And if you didn’t it’s because you didn’t PAY ATTENTION.

So there you have it. Have sex with women using these powerful patterns and secret ways to get her to hypnotize herself!

Women, use these devices to make men your love slave if you so desire.


Nathan Blaszak 

P. S. Be nice to me and at least tell me of your successes using my material so I can share it with the world on my site. Send your comments here (and please don't hype about it too much). Thanks.

P. P. S. If you truly want to improve your seduction power with women by leaps and bounds, click here.

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