-The Sure-Fire Hypnosis GOLD Letter-
By, Nathan Blaszak
Life Tricks Inc.
Lake City, MI 49651

Dear Valuable Customer,

In Order To Succeed With Covert Hypnosis…

You Must Change Your Viewpoint about the World and…

Start Giving People Orders! 

You’re Either Going To Be Told What To Do, How To Do Something, Or You’re Going to Be the One Doing It!

The following is a letter that I wrote to my unborn son (who is now 1 1/2 years old). It explains how the world is and how he’ll never have to fall victim to tragedy like so many innocent people do every day of their lives.

Dear Micah,


You’re so innocent. You were brought into a world that influences the way you think and behave until you see the truth. In this, I will show you the truth but you must trust what I say and bare the consequences of knowing the truth.


You’ll see it as you grow up in schools. Mainly, public schools. I’ll never put you through that. But your friends might be through it and you need to understand what they are meant to do.


The Public School System is an institution of the government. They are a means to control the mind of such innocent children.


Get up. Go to school. Do you homework. Listen to your subordinates. Then, you’ll be told what you can’t do with a bunch of rules to follow with fear of punishment and fail to tell you what you can do.


Let me tell you something… you can do anything you want. You can have anything you want, and you can be anything you want. Hang onto that thought and those images and make them so clear in your mind that you actually believe it. You’ll then begin to live it. And when you live it, you’ll love it, and you’ll never turn outside yourself for guidance ever again.


It’s doesn’t stop at school. What the world calls an “ordinary person” is someone that was conditioned in a public school. These people are trained to not think for themselves and to follow rules – most of which tell you what you can’t do.


Let me tell you something… when a person tells you can’t do something, you have to think about it. You have to hold those images in your mind. Then, your mind makes those things happen. Forget about that now and Always remember to focus on what you want. ALWAYS no matter how hard they try to get you to feel otherwise.


Knowing this, you’ll probably begin to see the truth as the days of your life begin to pass from this point on. Getting up and going to work and slaving away is nothing more than the same procedure most experienced in school. Instead of being expelled for not doing your homework, you’re fired or suspended without pay.


It’s madness. It’s control. The government needs people like this in order to survive. I’m not saying government is bad, it has its place, but the world is changing and you’re right smack in the middle of it.


It’s changing so rapidly that soon there will be a revolution. In fact, I believe it’s already in process. The Internet is making it possible for anyone to go into business for themselves and to forget about the corporate structure. People are realizing that they can put the same or less amount of effort into their own businesses as they were at some lame job and get filthy rich – instead of making someone else rich.


Anyway, don’t be fooled by the world and their suggestions. Always remember to focus on what you want and to focus on positive things.


You know what I like to do? I like to feed my brain with books. Good books. Positive books. I know that if I do that every day, my life will begin to organize itself in a positive manner. As you grow up with me you’ll find out this is true.


You see, your brain gives you what you focus on. It’s nothing new. That concept has been around for eons. Think good, get good. Think bad, get bad.


That’s why it’s important to witness only good things. It doesn’t always happen. You’ll for sure meet people that are negative. You can’t escape it 100% of the time. But you DO have options.


Instead of reading the newspaper (which is almost always bad news) you can go online and read someone’s rags to riches story. Instead of watching the news which you already know is bad news anyway, you can read a good book. You can talk to people that are successful or that help you feel good.


Be thankful for having that choice. 


The world is full of suggestions. Hitler understood the power of this. He had billboards, signs, and suggestions plastered all over Germany that persuaded the entire country to believe that they were a supreme race. With it came a mass slaughter of innocent value producing people.


It’s the same now, only a little bit more disguised but it doesn’t matter. All that should matter to you is your willingness to be in control of what you allow to enter your mind as a suggestion.


A good remedy to discard a message that you don’t want to enter your being is to calmly and confidently think “That’s someone else. I am (and state whatever it is that you’d like to absorb as a suggestion instead.)


And let it go.


You can talk to yourself and recite positive words out loud. It will drive these positive feelings and thoughts deep into your subconscious mind and you’ll begin to live it.


The point is this: you have the control as soon as you accept responsibility. Mom isn’t always going to be there for you to pamper you. Dad doesn’t have to solve all your problems. At some point, you are going to just have to take a deep breath, relax, and accept responsibility for what you experience.


You could always remain like everyone else if you choose. You can let other people do your thinking for you and program you to act and believe in what they desire, but I doubt that’s what you want.


Take Charge! And never look back.


I love you buddy and I will surely write you more letters to read. I wrote this letter to give you a glimpse of the way the world was designed by the fathers that came before us.


I wrote it with a hope that you will someday be a positive influence – and even change the world making it a better place for all mankind.   





Of course, this doesn’t sum up everything about how the world works, but it gives you a great reference. The truth is you don’t have to follow along like a confused sheep waiting for that dog to come along and drive you to where you want to be. Let other people do that.

You “be the dog” – so to speak.  

Listen… Thousands of people every day search for answers. Some people actively search for ways to make money. Others search for ways to improve their health or happiness. You bought my book to boost your social power.

On the surface it seems ordinary and typical. Read a book, attend a seminar, or hire a mentor. Do the steps outlined in any of the above and get the result you’re after.

This process is simple and straight forward. But how many people do you know who can read a book on wealth, and turn around and achieve it right away? Instead, they read another, and another. They don’t act, they just keep “learning” how it’s done. In fact, they spend most of their time trying to figure out “how” to achieve it when all they really need to do is allow it to happen.

Anyway, there’s often something missing in people that most of us are unwilling to notice that I’m going to reveal to you now. It’s nothing out of the ordinary. In fact, this secret is so deeply rooted into society it often goes unnoticed.

Here’s the secret:

People Actively Search For Permission
Whether They Can Have, Be, or Do Something

Think about it:

When your best friend calls you and asks for your advice, they’re seeking permission or validation that the decision they are making is approved by an external authority (you). When a customer buys something more often than not it is because they have proof outside themselves that it is a good product or service to have.

Don’t get me wrong… this isn’t because people don’t want to lead themselves and make their own decisions. They just don’t know how. And it’s certainly not true that nobody knows how.

FACT: There are thousands of people that can lead themselves. However, the majority of people search outside themselves instead of within -- and this concept and secret must be leveraged. That is…

If You Want Results Using Covert Hypnosis,
You Must Give Yourself Permission
To Give Subtle or Indirect Orders to People

Now at first blush you might respond to this saying “I don’t think its right to tell people what to do! Who am I to tell them?” This reaction is fine and you don’t have to feel good about giving people commands, but it’s much easier to feel good about it.


Because people WANT others to tell them what to do! It’s so programmed into people’s brains by the media, marketers, politicians, public schools and governments anyway, why not step away from everyone else -- off the dance floor -- and start showing others how to dance, instead of just going through the motions like everyone else!

It’s much more pleasant this way. There is a certain feeling of liberation when you decide whether or not you are or aren’t going to put up with something!

Let me illustrate this:

A long time ago I was confronted by a salesman not knowing what I know now about covert hypnosis and human relations. He was a high pressure salesman… you know the type – they press you and press you until you just give in and buy.

For too long I put up with this from one salesman after the next. I was passive and I didn’t lead myself or decide what I was or wasn’t going to put up with. I let others tell me how my life should be with some sort of false sense that they knew better than I did.

Finally, one day I just decided I was going to dictate what it was that I was going to use my time for. Nobody was going to walk all over me or pressure me into anything ever again.

Today it’s different. People ask me “when salesman won’t stop, what should I do? I don’t want to me taken advantage of!” Well, I just hang up the phone or turn around and walk away! If you ask me, this communicates the messages quite clearly on both a conscious and subconscious level.

Will I ever meet them again? Probably not. Are their feelings going to be hurt? Well, that’s just plane and simply -- none of my business. All I know is that I’m putting up with what I decide – not the other way around! That’s all I’m concerned with.

“The strongest defense against verbal confrontation is to walk away”

Of course, we all know that salesman have a reaction for every objection. I already tried the verbal kung fu with them trying to outwit them (which is honestly actually a fun way to practice hypnosis) but it wasn’t until one day where I was like “why let anyone pressure me? If it’s good for me I’ll listen. If it’s not so good, then I’ll just walk away. Period.”

I’ll tell you, the first time you take control like this in your social situations you’ll feel power pumping from places you’ve never felt. You’ll begin to understand what its like to take control of your own outcomes instead of trying to outwit your opponent.

This isn’t to be confused with evading responsibility, either. I’m not going to hang up the phone on a customer who might be upset. Instead, I can help them,

Or Get Them to Hang Up On Their Own
If They Can’t Be Bargained With
Or Just Want to Argue!

Would you like to know how to get angry people to hang up the phone?

I’m a roll so I might as well spill the beans!

I had a guy who was a little mentally -- well, he was a little off the deep end. He called me one day and started threatening my family and company with everything evil. He really was a total mental case.

Now at that point in my life, I’ll admit I was doing research on arguments and such, and since I was so focused on the subject, I started to attract those situations into my life. I learned a lot from that experience.

The angry customer on the phone was just chomping at the bit. I couldn’t get a word in. So here’s what I did.

I set the phone down until I heard nothing so I wouldn’t be tempted into argument or have to listen to negativity. I simply let him burn all his fuel.

When he finished, I picked up the phone and said “so what can I do for you to help you get what you want BECAUSE (and I kept going) sometimes when you’re in a situation on the phone and you try everything in your power to force a person into your will, often times is just best to HANG UP. Ya, know? JUST HANG UP THE PHONE IN THEIR FACE, and FEEL GOOD ABOUT IT! Especially if you feel upset right now. JUST HANG UP THE PHONE AND INSTANTLY FEEL BETTER.

“CLICK!” He was gone.

Of course, I put a lot of emphasis into my speech when I said “hang up the phone.”

And I’m not saying it will work 100% of the time. Just notice how I took control of the situation and just told the person what to do. I was being a self leader and utilizing this secret that people need permission to do something they probably wanted to do in the first place, anyway.

How many times have you met someone that wanted to do something and you finally said “just do it then. Just quit talking about it and do it!” Then, they get quiet for a moment and say “You’re right, I should just do it. I’m going to.”

Now, if they were a “self-leader” they wouldn’t need you to tell them this. Most of the time they won’t even notice they said that’s what they were going to do multiple times before you “gave them external permission.” Once they get the permission, they think it’s alright to do -- even if they knew it in the first place! Sometimes they even think it was YOUR idea and thank you for it?!

A lot of times, to get someone to do something – all people need is to hear advice or life lessons.  Honestly!

Want to know a short-cut to making people do what you want?

You can start out your sentence with “Sometimes people just need to _____________________ BECAUSE you’ve been (doing whatever they were doing) and it’s just best to (GIVE THEM PERMISSION TO DO SOMETHING). And keep giving them permission until they do it.

Listen, it’s all about your attitude. Most people can notice in another person what they are consciously blind to – even if they really aren’t subconsciously. As long as you point them into a positive direction, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with “telling them what to do.”  

Keep this in mind as you continue using covert hypnosis.


Nathan Blaszak 

P. S. Your FREE bonus book "You've Been Tricked" explains quite nicely how the world works, and how you can use it to your advantage.

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