-The Sure-Fire Hypnosis GOLD Letter-
By, Nathan Blaszak
Life Tricks Inc.
Lake City, MI 49651

Dear Valuable Customer,

Have you ever heard of the Fibonacci ratio?

Here is the first few set of numbers:

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657, 46368, 75025, 121393, 196418, 317811…

Let’s look at how this ratio works:

0 +1 = 1. Then, 1 + 1 = 2. Then 1+2 = 3. Next 2+3 = 5, 3+5=8, 5+8 = 13 etc.

It’s been shown in mathematics (and in my own opinion) a very useful ratio considering scientists and mathematicians have found this ratio in virtually everything. Plant patterns, art, and even the stock market charts – to name only a few.

Just recently, I went through a little experiment here at Life Tricks Inc. and found out that this can also be applied towards attracting more and more of what you want.

Just as I had explained to you previously how the more you feel good, the better you feel, let’s take this ratio and apply it to that because the results were staggering!

My family life recently has needed some work done to it. I’ve been so wrapped up into my work, that I created an imbalance. My son was getting out of hand and my wife was struggling to accept my choices (even though she supports me 100%).

So my experiment was to apply this ratio towards my family life. One day, I thought “What if I do only ONE thing that makes both my son and wife feel good today? What if I take off work early and spend an extra hour with them today?”

And that’s what I did. I intended right then and there to spend some extra time with my family.

The next day, my son stood at the door to my office and yelled “Daddy!” Typically, he didn’t do this very often since he was so used to me not being around during the daytime. My wife reported how much fun it was to spend more time with me.


I measured the number 1 as a stepping stone. I took the leap to GIVE something better in comparison to what I wasn’t giving previously. With that one single move, it turned into the next day where I had planned a special outing for us as a family. We cooked out and I played with my son, cuddled with my wife and everything felt great!

I could sense we were getting closer.


This time, 2 represented the fact that my son and wife started doing special things for me. They brought lunch to me and we ate it together. We joked and played during my lunch hour. Later that night, my wife pampered me more than usual.


This grows quite rapidly. So I decided to keep doing special things for the both of them spontaneously. I put thought and care into what we were going to do as a family in a special way.


We were getting even closer, and closer. I did things for them, they looked forward to doing more things with me. We started planning special trips together and our family was growing stronger and stronger.

And it just kept going and growing.

So I figured “why not do this with money?”

I give by nature but it wasn’t really a habit to do it all the time. Little did I know that making it a habit however turned out to be one of the best investments I had ever made!

Fibonacci ratio kicked into full effect! 

Suppose you gave a person a dollar. Well, 1+1=2. That means you’d get 2 dollars back. Suppose you gave those two dollars away. Well, 1+2=3. So no big deal. You made $3. But you decide to give those $3 away! 2+3-$5, $8, $13, $21, $34, $55, $89, $144, $233, $377, $610, $987, $1597, $2584, $4181, $6765, $10946, $17711, $28657, $46368, $75025, $121393, $196418, $317811!!!!

Hard to believe? In invite you to try it. This works in virtually every situation but for the sake of getting back to the subject at hand, how do you think your life would be different once you begin to give people what you want to experience first, and then keep giving it?

A friend of mine had no luck with the ladies. He didn’t have a clue what to do or how to act. He didn’t even have the courage to approach a woman he found attractive. He wasn’t a bad looking guy and had a well paying career that he enjoyed, this shouldn’t have been a problem for him but it was.

So I taught him how to be a self-leader and start giving what he wanted to women first. I asked him to imagine what he would like women to do to him without him having to do anything first. He said “come up to me and talk to me.”

I told him to start doing that to women. Just be a self-leader and start talking to women. “I don’t know what to say” he replied. “What would you like a woman to say to you when she approaches you?”

He stated “a compliment I guess.”

“Well then start giving compliments.” So he did. For the next week he just started to innocently notice things about women he wanted to meet that he liked and complimented them on it.

A funny thing started to happen. As he visited the same places, women started approaching him calling him by his name. Other women started noticing his growing popularity and before he knew it he was surrounding himself with women everywhere he seemed to go!

He then started applying this secret with making women feel good by focusing on funny and positive things. These women, in turn, started doing the same!

It paid back in spades!

Now you might be wondering “What does this have to do with covert hypnosis?”

Think about it! He as communicating a positive message that he could be approached, that he made women feel good – he was catching the attention of women that didn’t even know him and causing them to approach him!

This is all unconscious communication! This is the very core and deepest secret of covert hypnosis you’ll ever learn!

Covert hypnosis, if you’ll remember from my website, is nothing more than unconscious communication. LEVERAGE THIS CONCEPT!!!

You will change the moment you realize you have to GIVE first – whatever it is that you want to experience more of! It will pay for itself in spades. Try it and see.

Too many people try to be selfish to get what they want in their social situations. This is when it backfires. Let others make the mistake thinking that they can use covert hypnosis to manipulate people, and let them have the problems that come as a result of not understanding that you have to give first.


Nathan Blaszak 

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