-The Sure-Fire Hypnosis GOLD Letter-
By, Nathan Blaszak
Life Tricks Inc.
Lake City, MI 49651

Dear Valuable Customer,

What is an anchor? I’ll tell you. Virtually every single thing is an anchor. I this letter I’m going to brain dump some excellent techniques. You may want to print this entire letter.

Let’s Dig In:

If you come home from work for a week straight, take off your shoes and plop into the same chair to relax, you will “train your brain” to recognize that this chair makes you feel relaxed. This is an anchor. So even if you don’t come home from work and sit in the chair, you will go into a relaxed state when you see it or sit in it.

Remember when I shared with you the technique to talk about someone having a sexual disease? Even though it’s a rude and mean thing to do, it creates an anchor. Every time you see or think about that person you are “reminded” of the disease they might or might not have.

Anchors can happen over a period of time by accident, too. I remember Anthony Robbins – you know, the “internationally know self-help guru” tell a story about a person who has a stressful day at work several days in a row.  As he feels negative, he walks into the house and sees all the faces of his family. This happens for about a week straight. Then, one day he has a great day at work, he’s in high heaven feeling wonderful. He walks into the door and looks at all those faces and he instantly goes into a negative stressful state. That’s an anchor.

Another long-term way to create an anchor with other people is to act the same way around them. This isn’t hard to do because most people develop strong personalities and don’t change.

I have a father in law who cusses constantly, TALKS OVER YOU when you try to say something and offends a lot of people. He’s more “hick” than anyone I’ve ever met and extremely embarrassing to be around in public. So every time his name is brought up I have those thoughts, feelings and images I just shared with you -- anchored towards him.

Now you do too.

Anchoring can deliberately work to your advantage. If you meet a person and make them feel good every time you see them over the course of a week and more, you’ll create valuable and positive anchors to your name and face. It will all happen on its own.

This is mind control.

You can use anchoring by touching another person, too. Yes, you can reach for their breasts if you want to create a negative anchor.

No, what I’m saying is I always like to pat people on their shoulder or just place my hand on their shoulder when I notice they are feeling good and squeeze. The premise behind this is if I do this enough, they will associate every good feeling with that touch. I won’t have to say a thing.

Now I’ve heard people say “I’m not going to touch them, that’s too intrusive” or “When should I touch them?”

My answer to the first remark is “come out of your shell, buddy. Touching other people is a natural part of human relations if you want to successfully connect with them.”

In case you’re wondering WHEN you should start touching them, the answer is...

As Soon As Possible! 

When I meet people for the first time, I like to shake their hand right away. Sometimes if the mood strikes I give the woman a hug right when I meet them.

Ballsy? Oh Well. I do this because it “set’s the theme” that it’s okay to touch me! THEN, other women see this at the place I’m at and will also think its okay to touch me. This is anchoring – even if it’s only visual.

So if I give her a hug right away, it makes it okay to grab and hold her hand nicely as we’re talking, rub my fingers up her arm, squeeze her shoulder because these are much less intrusive than a hug.

On a side note... pretending to wipe an eye lash off their face, pick lint off their shirt or whatever is also a great way to make them feel comfortable around you. What do people do when they are together? They wipe an eye lash of each others faces, pick lint off each other’s shirt and anything else that conveys the message that you’re “looking after them!”

Back To What I Was Saying: I call it the “touching threshold.” It can work both ways. You can do a more intrusive touch at first and if they don’t back away from you, just consider any other touch that is less intrusive okay to do. If they do back away, keep going one step down in intrusiveness until they’re okay with it.

OR you can start out with a non-intrusive one like a handshake and work your way up. I had a cousin who did this with a woman he met. He asked me the most powerful way to seduce her and I revealed to him what the great seduction masters of our pastime would do – touch them and touch them some more.

So he did. And guess what? It started with a hand shake. Moved to a playful pat on the arm. Next, they held hands. Then he stroked her hair. Finally, they started dancing until...

They Made Out Almost
VIOLENTLY on The Dance Floor! 

You don’t need me to tell you how that night turned out for him.

I’m a direct-response marketer. And did you know what? I hardly break even on the book you bought. Why do I sell it? I know that this book is so damn good on the subject that most people who read it will buy all my other stuff, too! Of course, they have to pay more for some and less for my other products but they happily do it because I know what the heck I’m talking about, and they enjoy learning from me.

This is the same concept in touching! Start out small, and offer more and more -- increasing its value over time.

You can’t go wrong.

Anyway, anchoring can also be used during conversation. When you say things like “this person” or “that person” when you’re reciting a hypnotic pattern, you can casually place your hand across your chest or point to yourself in a not so obvious way. Unconsciously, the person will “link” what you’re saying, to you!

For Example: “Have you ever met someone (anchor to yourself) that just makes you feel at total ease?” If they say yes, you can say “And when you think about this person (anchor to yourself again) and you picture them in your mind (as you draw a picture frame around your face – which they’ll never consciously notice you doing) what is it the first signal you get on the inside that lets you know this person makes you feel that way?”

Get the picture?

This is mind control.

I like to think about people as a set of stacked up anchors. Think of someone you’ve known for several years. You probably have a lot of “anchors” attached to them. Maybe you have some good, some bad, or sentimental.

You also create anchors with other people consistently. There’s no getting around it.

There was a point in my life where I was working all the time. I was so into my business when my wife would come into my office, I would ignore her. This created a negative anchor. Then, when I would come out of the office she would talk to me and my mind was so lost into my work I didn’t hear a thing she said. Yet again, I created another anchor.

To make a long story short, she eventually had anchors towards me of abandonment, not caring and a whole slew of negative things about me.

So I had my work cut out for me. Over the next few weeks I surprised her by taking her on “spontaneous” trips. I would buy her flowers for no reason at all. I’d plan a little picnic outing for lunch on a Tuesday.

Eventually, to my delight -- the positive anchors stacked over and influenced her on a much deeper level than any of my previous negative ones.

This is mind control.

You see, you can use conversational devices to make people feel good in the moment and you’re absolutely right if you think that your words can have a dramatic impact on another. But sometimes it seems that people tend to focus on the “talk” without “walking” too.

I’m not talking about you reading the secrets in this letter or my book and not doing anything with them. I’m talking about not taking action.

Actions are just as influential as words and they often seem to be sometimes much greater of an influence. Maybe you’ve had a time where someone hurt you with actions and talked you into feeling better with words. Then, the same actions were taken and again, words to get them out of it. Eventually, you caught onto this and their words started to mean nothing to you.

All sorts of promises are made from people all the time without any action to prove it. There has to be balance between the two. If you make someone feel good with your words, remember to DO something that makes them feel good, too.

If you’re trying to win the heart of a lover, go out of your way to express to them you care by taking actions that make them feel good.

I used to put all my eggs in one basket with women. I would use my hypnotic talking ability to win the hearts of many. But the relationships were shallow and often felt as if there was no meaning to them.


I didn’t DO much to make them feel good. I didn’t take them on little picnics or go out of my way to pick up a card, or surprise her...

You know what happens when you don’t do stuff like that?

They Don’t Either!

If I do something nice for someone, they often feel the need to do something for me, and most of the time it’s much better than what I ever did.

Hey! Here’s An Idea: If you want to get something from someone like attention, loving words, pleasure, excitement or anything else why don’t you try GIVING it to others, first? You’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Whatever. There’s another way to anchor to people when you’re talking to groups of people that I’d like to share with you now.

Listen, it’s pretty simple. Stand in one spot and talk about specific emotions by telling stories or using some hypnotic device you’ve learned in my book or letters. Stand in another spot and talk about some other specific feeling or emotion.

Basically, they will link what you’re saying in one spot one emotion while another spot will ignite a different emotion.

I’ve seen public speakers, Politicians, religious leaders, teachers, and even salesmen all use this to their advantage. In some way, or another, they will control the feelings or emotions of the groups of people by strategically standing in one place over the next.

I saw a teacher in the beginning of the school year say to the class while she stood behind to podium:

“Class, listen up. This is going to be a great year. You will have fun in this class. I will teach you all about X and you will enjoy it because when you PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO ME when I’m standing up here at this podium, you will be delighted and dazzled in ways you’ve never thought possible. And at times I know you’ll get riled up and eager to talk (as she moved to the left side of the podium) by what I say or if I say nothing for a wile and if that occurs you’ll instantly find yourself quieting down, just stop talking because I know you don’t want to miss single thing. (Back to the center of the podium) so listen up while I take roll.”

For the rest of the week she would practice those two spots. She would instruct the class to talk out loud as she moved to the left of the podium to “train” them to quiet down. She would say as they talked and moved to the left of the podium “now what are you supposed to do as I stand here?” And the class would quiet down.

Pretty smart, eh? Thanks for noticing! When I showed her how to do this, she liked this “anchoring” method so well that she had over 10 of them! She even had a spot where the students knew a test was coming. She didn’t have to utter a single word. As soon as she stood in this spot they put their books down, cleared their desks, and sharpened their pencils!

Starting to see the power of anchoring?

Yet another anchoring technique can be applied to objects such as paintings, chairs, products, vehicles, doorways, windows, bells, sounds, places, songs, events and even beer bottles.

I used to love drinking beer. I would go out on the night of town or sit around with my buddies and drink beer, play pool or horseshoes, and have a good time.

When I would be out at a club or bar, I would use my beer bottle as a way to silently control people. I would talk about emotions like attraction with women while the beer bottle was near me, and how that attraction begins to build as I slid the bottle closer to them. Then, I would use a line like “and the more you feel this attraction, the more you want to continue to feel it, and the more you want to feel it, the better it begins to feel, doesn’t it?”

So, once that little escapade was over, all I had to do from time to time – without uttering a single word is put this bottle near them and instantly watch them feel attraction... Of course my face is there so I’m creating a strong attraction to me by anchoring it.

It doesn’t get any easier than this.

You can use this method for telling people to shut up, too – and they won’t get offended by it at all.

Remember my father in law who doesn’t stop talking, cussing, and is really annoying? Of course you do! I created that anchor earlier.

Anyway, I created an anchor with a beer bottle on him long ago. When I finally got a word in, I told him a story about a guy who drove me nuts.

Here’s How It Happened: We were sitting across from one another sharing a beer at a bar, and he wouldn’t stop talking. So I said to him “The other day this guy pissed me off so much I wanted to knock him out... we were both sitting at a bar facing each other and he just wouldn’t be quiet (and I stuck my hand up as if I was saying STOP) He talked and cussed and got on my nerves so much (as I slid the beer bottle closer towards him and said) “I said to him, you know, sometimes people just don’t get that sometimes you talk too much and you need to SHUT UP. You know? JUST SHUT UP and let the other person talk for a change. Now, I couldn’t help but to say that but whatever.”

So our wives met up with us later (and his wife he almost NEVER let’s get a word in during the conversation). Get This: went she went to say something, surprise! He couldn’t. I put that beer bottle right back in the “shut up zone” and he just wouldn’t say a thing.

Later that night my wife said “Tonight was weird, he didn’t talk nearly as much as he used to. It was kind of nice.” (By the way, this man is my Wife’s “Step Father”, earlier I just didn’t feel like writing “Step Father In Law”)

I’ve seen my friends use this method to make potential lovers forget about their significant others and find them attractive instead. I’m not too sure about using it in this way but you might be surprised one day if you catch someone doing it to you.

In any case, you can probably think of a hundred and one different ways to use this method, but remember that what you do to people will come back so be nice about it. Plus, you don’t have to limit yourself to a beer bottle either. You can use teddy bears, notepads, pencils or anything else the same way.

One final way to use anchors is a method that I sort of slipped in one day while reciting a hypnotic pattern to a woman. I looked at her and used my “connection” pattern with her and slipped into it “and how surprised would you be when every door you walk through is like walking into a realm of stronger attraction, and every window you look out is like watching all the wonderful combinations of possibilities unfold before you by how good this connection makes you feel?”

Here’s Another One: “As you take a shower try not to think of all the different ways you can use anchoring to your advantage, and as you soap your armpits (I wanted to say something else right there) it’s not necessary to get excited by the breakthroughs you have.”

Get the idea?

In sales it’s the same thing. If you can create strong desire and anchor those desires by touching the product, demonstrating it, or revealing it as a solution, it will increase your chances to get them to buy now.

You could say “What is it in X that you find most important?” When they tell you, you then say “And how do you know when you have X?” When they reveal to you that, you could say while gesturing subtly towards the product, so if you could have X, and you know for sure that something could give you Y, would you be ready to just get it?” If they say yes, it worked. If they say no, then you start the process again by saying “What else is important to you about X?”

Of course, this is only one method. You can certainly use other hypnotic methods you’ve learned in this book in your sales presentations. Just remember to use your gestures or objects as anchors to help you make the sale!

That is, asking questions like this (what’s most important to you about X? etc.) back to back might not be that good of an idea. Why? Because it can get annoying to the person. You don’t want that to happen. Just use your better judgment and you’ll be fine.

Listen, I don’t know how much more clearly I can be with you about anchoring. If you don’t have at least a dozen ideas about how you can use anchors after reading this chapter then you might want to read it again.


Nathan Blaszak 

P. S. What did I want to say other than your armpits? It'll be fun to post in another letter what people think I meant. Share with me your idea.

P. P. S. Here's an old audio lesson on anchoring. It's not perfect, and it's an older one, but there is definately a LOT of powerful information you can use that have helped hudreds of students who took the time to listen to it. Enjoy!

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